Hey. My name is Nataša Kovačić and I like to create.

Family is No. 1 for me, always. And with the family, it all started: my first cookies, my first soup, my first cleaning projects… It all had one thing in common: creating from different ingredients under different conditions. Chemistry, in short. And since I have a doctorate in chemical sciences, apparently chemistry in all its forms really chose me and guided me through life.

Dinner is over, cookies are baked, dishes are ready for cosmetics.

In order to create my first cosmetic product, a number of conditions had to be met – children in beds, a tidy house and a husband on duty. At night, I started formulating the first natural products.

I believed in myself. Each new product surpassed the previous one.

Like any woman, I like to use cosmetics. My daily beauty rituals have been, are and will remain humble. Even though I use only the essentials, I have always wanted and sought the best. I found the products to be inadequate for me and my three girls (and two boys). I wanted and believed that I could do better on my own.

Learning, learning, learning …

Despite my knowledge of chemistry, I came across an area I didn’t know much about. I started browsing books, looking for online seminars, trainings, courses and simply applying. Cosmetic science is very nicely complemented by chemistry science. They just match.

Deciding on an independent path

I swapped four jobs, leaving each one richer for the experience. There were also negative experiences that I obviously already needed to beat me up a bit and remind me of the things that are the only ones that really matter: family, friends, and the awareness that we must always stay true to ourselves. So I decided to get on my way.

Brand natcosmetics

The products I created for my family led to the creation of my own natcosmetics brand. The name consists of the prefix “nat”, which stands for “natural” and at the same time it is the abbreviated form of my name, Nataša. Simple all in one.

My family

I have a great wonderful family. Everyone supports me. I draw energy from them. They rock!

And why should you buy my cosmetics? Why is mine better?

My cosmetics are a reflection of my identity as a scientist and a woman. I do not accept compromises at the expense of quality. I have transferred the care for my satisfaction and the satisfaction of my loved ones into products that will take care of you and your skin. Because I completely trust nature to know what’s best.